The Perfect Triangle #221 – 20DEC24 – CoHost: Zach @LogosRevealedI, Guests: Alfred & Monika Schaefer!
The final Giuseppe show of 2024 ends with a bang! The heroic, courageous Schaefer Siblings Alfred & Monika join G & Z to look back [Read More…]
The Perfect Triangle is the show that brought Giuseppe back to the Independent Media. Live every Friday 12-2pm Eastern.
The final Giuseppe show of 2024 ends with a bang! The heroic, courageous Schaefer Siblings Alfred & Monika join G & Z to look back [Read More…]
Giuseppe, Dave, Siege Author James Mason and numerous callers discuss the madness of the past year including the satanic genocidal war machine that is Israel; [Read More…]
G, Z & T gather to look back at the bizarre shitshow that was 2024, and postulate on how insane 2025 will turn out to [Read More…]
We celebrate the life of the courageous, unbowed hero Ursula Haverbeck with Monika and Alfred who knew her so well. Rest In Peace, Queen! 1488! [Read More…]
The hosts of FTJmedia’s newest show, Dave Gahary & legendary author of Siege James Mason (, Join Giuseppe & Zach to discuss their new show [Read More…]
Based Monday with White Nationalist Co-Hosts Statutory Paul From Commiefornia and Davis Lurmann @DavisLurmman! NEW FTJ Host Dave Scorpio joins the show as well. By [Read More…]
Giuseppe and Logos discuss the insanity of the past 6 weeks in White Nationalism, and take calls. Surprise guests are a distinct possibility. iFrame is [Read More…]
Brilliant show host, White Advocate and Deep Fake Artist Flood ( will join Giuseppe for 2 hours of Floodian Insights such as Project Esther, [Read More…]
All Souls Day brings forth a high-level discussion between G, Z and T about the state of doltish, parasitic evil plaguing the incipient White Nationalist [Read More…]
Talmudic satan-worshiping jews are doing everything possible to kill whites and destroy the Divine Natural Order. Clearly hebrew overreach, but creating unprecedented chaos in its [Read More…]