The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #234 Based Hump Day – 15MAY24 – Guest: Russ Winter @New_Nationalist

Savvy impresario of monthly visit to discuss latest on Gaza Holocaust, and other satanic insanity. Hour 2 the legendary Professor Jim Fetzer @jimfetzer and [Read More…]

The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #233 Based Monday – 13MAY24 – CoHost: Paul CA + Davis Lurmann Guest: NNR Nick @realnightnation 

Based Monday with White Nationalist Co-Hosts Paul from California and Davis Lurmann. By Whites, for Whites… Hail Victory! Fish swim, birds fly… jews lie. No [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #191 – 10MAY24 – CoHost Zach @LogosRevealedI – Guests: Monika & Alfred Schaefer

Alfred Schaefer is kicking talmudic ass! Alfred Schaefer and his sister Monika discuss how Alfred was illegally and immorally imprisoned for using his God-given right [Read More…]