The final Giuseppe show of 2024 ends with a bang! The heroic, courageous Schaefer Siblings Alfred & Monika join G & Z to look back at 2024 and speculate about 2025. Monika will share the latest about the Trudeau Government collapsing while Alfred will update us on the latest events in Germany and Europe. 2025 begins the long march to Juden Frei in North America and Europe! 1488!

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    Terrific show, volks!

    I did an internet search with Alfreds’ name to get his latest, if out there. It’s great to see the yids and their servants in Germany didn’t break him.

    I saw 2 hours and 10 minutes and thought I’d only catch part of it, but four bright, perceptive individuals held my attention for every minute. So many good points. David Duke mentioned years ago European White culture makes for decent people with a moral conscious and that this works against them with respect in particular to dealing with the jews. I agree.

    And I’ve got to mention American compliance with the death jab. I had a little respect for Americans …a little… but that was reduced significantly after the jab. These idiots lined up to take an injection of which they had no idea what, given by some fool in a smock who also has no idea what was in the syringe, what came in a box and what ingredients were entirely left off said sheet! Wow!

    To quote the late John Kaminski, “Anyone with a brain is an anti-Semite.” And the brilliant Max Igan, “How goes Palestine will go the way of the world.” So, WTFU America!

    And I highly recommend Stew Peters. I catch every show. Stew Peters for president! Or at least Secretary of Strate!

    And Don, I was thinking of the chabad center down in NYC today. Was there an investigation with criminal charges issued? None that I know of! No exposure of their crimes, just the city filling in the evidence with truckloads of cement! Poor victim jews.

    Thanks guys!

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